Saturday, March 22, 2008

The End

My fast ended last night about ten with a bowl of wild rice.

The reason it ended was more self-imposed social pressure and upcoming obligations to eat in social settings that made it more logical to break my fast with a bowl of rice rather than sausage and eggs first thing in the morning.

Overall, I gained more than I lost.

I gained a renewed self confidence in my ability to control my actions, including my deeply ingrained instinctual actions and reactions.

I gained a deeper insight into how unnecessary the vast majority of my oral consumption was including the rituals, impulsive behaviors and drive for oral gratification.

I gained a lot of time to do other things as alternatives to planning, thinking about or engaging in eating activities.

I lost a few pounds. That's it. So my gains far outweigh my losses.

I'll be cranking up another fast shortly so I'm going to keep this blog alive until then so I can just continue it. I may pick up a cause to fast for next time.

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